Just another Tuesday…

Just another Tuesday….

A day to spend some time with Daddy in the morning (afternoon shift), to work on Aurora’s new memory verse and go over some of the old ones she’s gotten rusty on.

A day for Gideon to try to get better from his runny nose/cold.

A day to try out another new recipe with my Epicure stuff (I had an Epicure party about a week and a half ago and am having fun trying out sue new gadgets and spice mixes)

A day to show God’s love to my husband, kids and whoever else I come across online or in person.

I guess it’s really NOT “just another day”. Every day is a blessing. 🙂 Happy Tuesday everyone.

Here is a video of Aurora saying her most recently memorized verse. I just love listening to her say the big words. (please excuse the squeaking, the dog was playing with her toy right by us and wouldn’t go away LOL)

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